This system message will appear when the REFUND you are attempting, which in combination with all other REFUNDs againsts the original transaction, would exceed the value of that transaction so the REFUND cannot be permitted. The Related transaction is not an AUTHENTICATE. Unfortunately, you will not be able to perform a REFUND against this transaction as it has been fully refunded already. cannot be more than 50 if is not provided. Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing the MD. Please check and retry, There was error processing the payment at the bank site. If you are providing a value which has more that 200 characters then you will receive this system message. If you don't provide this value or it is incorrect, the Sage Pay system will not know how to handle the transaction and therefore generate this system message. The VPSTxId uniquely identifies the original transaction which you are attempting to REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE through the Sage Pay system. The Description field can contain up to 100 characters. Refunds are not allowed for this payment type. The BillingAddress field, if provided, can only contain a maximum of up to 200 characters. Overlaps with an existing rule. It will only ever be able to contain a maximum of 16 characters consisting of numbers and letters with no spaces or unusual characters. The check digit invalid. You will need to ensure that you are using the correct Form encryption password that has been registered to your test and live Sage Pay accounts. The authorisation response was taking longer than expected and has therefore timed-out as a security measure. The Billing Address1 contains invalid characters. So far the gatway has been working as expected with failed payments, showing a failed payment message on the checkout page as either the card was declined or the card range was not accepted. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are entering numeric values only and that no letters are being passed over. It should be a number and the value should match the value that was passed back to you by Sage Pay when the original transaction was completed. HTTP Version Not Supported : The server does not support or is not allowing the HTTP protocol version specified in the request. You will only ever be required to provide us with the large numbers situated on the front of the customer's card and you will need to ensure that there are no spaces or hyphens being used as separator characters when providing us with this value. The CV2 code that has been entered is invalid and must consist of either three or four digits depending on the card type selected. e: A black screen should appear. There is no issue with the payment process as this would have be caused by the customer clicking on the Cancel button on the payment page. This error message relates to the Vendor account not having been set up successfully on the Sage Pay servers. The RelatedSecurityKey is a unique security value for each transaction and would have been sent back to your server in the status response of the original transaction. "After the incident", I started to be more careful not to trip over things. You are therefore unable to perform any further refunds against the original transaction. Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. 4022: The Card Type selected does not match card number. No further action required. the card range not supported by the system. If you do not provide this value, you will receive this system message. and cannot be the same. whose number you've supplied in the CardNumber field. Used sbupdate to generate unified UEFI kernel image and used efibootmgr to register the kernel image. Cannot create the new user. This Authorise would exceed 115% of the value of the original transaction. Unable complete transaction due to resubmission of authorisation request by client. The Failure URL value will need to be provided within your crypt string when posting your transaction registration. No further action required. today at 15:00 I tried to log in and I got the "white box error" "Your 3D accelerator card is not supported by World of Warcraft. Please ensure you are only passing values within this range and not including any separator characters other than the decimal point. An active transaction with this VendorTxCode has been found but the some data fields are different. You will need to check your code and ensure that your server/shopping cart is generating a unique VendorTxCode for each new transaction. These are 3 letter codes that will notify Sage Pay of the currency for the transaction. The VendorTxCode has been used before. GBP for UK Sterling, USD for U.S Dollars. If you're pointing to the live.sagepay endpoint then test cards will not work and will return the error you've mentioned. You must enter the address to which the card being used is registered in the card address box provided on the payment page. It should contain no more than 40 characters consisting only of letters and numbers matching the value passed for the original transaction. All VendorTxCodes should be unique. If you are wishing to accept American Express, JCB or Diner cards, it is likely that you will need to contact these merchant acquirers directly to obtain a new merchant number. You must ensure that your code is sending a valid amount within this field formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency. I hate Sage Pay anyway but unfortunately the pizza delivery company uses them, I get the error: The Card Range not supported by the system. Incorrect Fixed value entered. If you send an AccountType parameter with your POST, you must have an equivalent merchant account set up to handle that type of transaction. The ReleaseAmount larger the original amount. A Postcode field contains invalid characters. You will only be able to enter up to 50 characters in the card holder name box on the payment pages. The SecurityKey value should contain 10 alphanumeric characters and you must always pass this value within the RelatedSecurityKey field when posting your transaction registration over to Sage Pay. Please contact Sage Pay support who will be able to generate your Form encryption password to enable you to post Form transaction registrations. - the incident has nothing to do with me; can I use this this way? There are a few different reasons that you might get this response when a payment fails: Some debit cards require a PIN to be entered. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This field should only contain alphanumeric characters and must be 100 characters or less. The Basket field can contain a maximum of up to 7,500 characters and you will get this system message if you are sending more than 7,500 characters. Exceeded the allowed amount of commands to execute. Step-2. The certificate must have the digital signature key usage. The AccountType field can only contain the following values: E for e-commerce, M for MOTO or C for Continuous Authority Any other values will generate this system message. Only zero or positive decimal values, to 2 decimal places. If you're pointing to the live.sagepay endpoint then test cards will not work and will return the error you've mentioned. The card is a Visa Electron or pre-paid Visa Debit card. The document/file requested by the client was not found. Please press Windows key and R key on your keyboard at the same time. Invalid Amount field format. The AccountType is not setup on this account. XML does not match the protocol. The Amount including surcharge is outside the allowed range. You will receive this error message if we are not provided with the CardNumber field when you have POSTed your transaction registration. If the card holder's name is longer than that, just send the first 50 characters in your POST. If you have sent an Amount field with an invalid number of digits after the decimal place. There are no card details registered for the token. how many children did gloria vanderbilt have. Your transaction registration must contain a Description field which contains a brief (100 characters or less) description of the transaction being performed. Please ensure that you only use a fully qualified URL. The certificate must have a valid user principal name (UPN). Original transaction was not a billing agreement. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! so the proper error codes can be logged. Please try a different card. You will not be able to enter more than 200 characters in the card address box on the payment pages. You will need to check your code to ensure that the expiry date of the card that you have entered on the payment pages is not in the past or has expired. If no card address is provided you will be presented with this error message. You will need to check the content of the VendorEMail field to ensure that the e-mail address is valid. italian sayings about love and life. Error (retrieving/updating or inserting) data. You will also need to check the content of this field to ensure that it is valid. You will need to use a different card if you wish to proceed with the transaction. Please use the mobile device. It may also be worth checking to make sure that there are no spaces being passed (as this will be considered as a character) and also that the next value within the protocol is being separated by an ampersand (&) within your transaction registration. Transaction is not allowed without 3D secure authentication. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, SagePay: Test card details not being accepted, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. The VPSProtocol value is not supported by the system in use. You will need to make sure that you are sending the correct values for example: 123.45 4567.89 0.34 12.30 but not the values 123.456 4,567.89 .34 12.3 Check your code to ensure you are formatting the Amount field correctly. The ReleaseAmount field must be a valid amount, formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency, AND must be less than or equal to the amount of the original Deferred transaction that you are attempting to Release. The Authorisation was Declined by the bank. If you are attempting to perform these functions automatically (i.e you are performing any of the above outside of the My Sage Pay admin area) then you will need to submit the VPSTxId of the original transaction in a field called RelatedVPSTxId. The start date that you have selected is later than the current date. The BillingAddress field which you have provided is longer than what is allowed. susan flannery daughter. You will not be able to perform a RELEASE or an ABORT against any other payment type other than a DEFERRED transaction. You will need to ensure that the start date selected is not later than the current date. The value, if supplied, should contain either 0, 1, 2 or 3. You will need to ensure that you have entered the full card number correctly and only those numbers that appear on the front of the card and try again. This field is required to indicate the type of card being used by the customer (ie Visa, Mastercard etc) whose card number you have supplied within the CardNumber field. The DeliveryAddress and DeliveryPostcode are required. You can do this by highlighting each device and pressing the Delete key. You do not have any Custom templates uploaded onto your Sage Pay account and have selected to use the Custom templates option within your live My Sage Pay account. Cause Random bit count not supported by system events typically indicate that the signal from the card swipe at the reader got corrupted on its way to the panel, this happens on very long runs (reader is too far from panel) or due to wiring issues and/or electrical noise interfering with the signal. Try a different card" solved. If you are using our Form integration method, you may also sometimes receive this message if your Encryption Password is incorrect, so we would suggest you check this information as well. Why is this sentence from The Great Gatsby grammatical? This URL must be http:// or https:// and be less than 255 characters long. The Delivery Address2 contains invalid characters. Please check to ensure that a Failure URL is being provided with each transaction as this is a required field. If you are wishing to use custom templates, you will need to download the relevant files, amend and send over to use to be uploaded. A surreal understated experience about loss and finding new life inspired by real-life experiences. This URL must be http:// or https:// and be no more than 255 characters in length. The payment will now appear as a failed transaction. If the VendorTxCode matches that of a previous transaction registration for a successful transaction against your account you will receive this error message. E.g. If a card ExpiryDate value of 1509 was passed this would generate this error code. This vendor's rules require a successful 3D-Authentication. Card number validation is required for payment processing when a customer presents a card. If the shopper has made an error with the card number then simply have the customer. The Vendor Rule Bases disallow this card range. cannot be before this month. If you are RELEASE a transaction after it has been ABORTed, you will receive this system message. This is a required field and needs to be sent with every transaction you register with Sage Pay. The IP address of each new server you POST from will need to be registered with Sage Pay. You will need to check to ensure that the card number length being provided is correct and that you are sending the full card number situated on the front of the card. Also, check your code to ensure that you are only sending numeric values within this field and that no letters or invalid characters are contained. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? The request was unsuccessful because the server can not support the functionality needed to fulfill the request. You will need to check your code to ensure that the field is sending the correct code. The Authorisation has been rejected by the Vendor due to insufficient authentication. The expiry date of the card that you have entered on the payment pages is in the past. Discover why the boy has been trapped . To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. The RelatedVendorTxCode should contain the VendorTxCode of the original transaction against which you trying to REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE. The CustomerEMail field, if supplied, must contain a valid e-mail address which is less than 255 characters long. This system message would only be generated if you have integrated using the Direct method where you are colleting the customers card details to send across to Sage Pay. If you are unable to identify the cause, please contact the Sage Pay support team if you are still being presented with this error message and we will look into this issue further. You will need to check that you are sending the correct SecurityKey of the original transaction in this field. No further action needed. You will need to check your code to confirm that you are posting one of the following three values only: E for e-commerce, M for MOTO or C for Continuous Authority. Please ensure that you only use a fully qualified URL. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Any other characters or lengths will produce this error. If the card address consists of more than 200 characters please just entered the first 200 characters in order to continue. You will receive this error if you send an AccountType that your Sage Pay account does not support. The start date you have supplied is after the end date. The SuccessURL field must contain a Fully Qualified Domain Name and page reference pointing to the externally visible page on your site which your customers can be returned to if a transaction succeeds. If the monitor page is showing everything normal please contact Sage Pay directly. This URL must be http:// or https:// and be less than 255 characters long. When using the Form solution you will need to provide us with a Failure URL field containing a Fully Qualified Domain Name pointing to the externally visible page on your site to which customers are returned if a transaction fails. The given vendorsurcharge cannot be found. 3D-Authentication failed. You will need to check your code to ensure you are retrieving the correct VendorTxCode from your database and sending it through in the RelatedVendorTxCode field. You will need to ensure that you have provided a debit or credit card number within the card number box provided on the payment screens. You will need to check your code to ensure that you have not entered more than 200 characters within this field on the payment pages. If you receive this system message, it means you have successfully registered a transactions using the Direct integration method. Everything worked as expected and a new resource has been created. You have entered an incorrect value for the card security code which is invalid. Should not include leading zero's, and only include values in the range of 0 to 255. You will not be able to perform the REFUND that you are attempting as the total amount including all other REFUNDs performed against the original transaction exceed the total value of the original transaction. The fractional part of the Amount is invalid for the specified currency. All cards issued are part of a range - this is defined by the first 9 digits of the card number. Then select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup settings one by one.