Kerry Washington. In addition to being an actress, she is also a singer, songwriter, producer, author, and businesswoman. Definitely Stacy Dash. This article is pretty offensive. It doesn't make them an "Uncle Tom", rather it accentuates that African Americans like anyone else have many views and beliefs. I detect a great deal of "feelings being hurt" in this list. Never could get with the hn/fn thingit has become yet one more a huge smoke screen to keep us further divided and concentrating on internal hate. She is the spokeswoman for Lancme. Perhaps most famous for her role as Zoe Washburne on the space western dramaFirefly,Gina Torres has also starred in the legal dramaSuitsas well as several successful films, includingThe Matrixfranchise. This topic that I am about to discuss will discuss one of these least known societies, and though in the grand hierarchy of this pyramid they are not very high in importance, in the black community in America they are extremely high and most black people have never even heard of them. @Osiris Tucker How about Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier. I realized that too. all of you repeating what the racist MEDIA puts out about uncle toms, i'm guessing you know all these people on the list personally and have given millions of dollars to causes. bill cosby no because he has been telling black people for years we have to change the only thing with him white people liked him alot he has never done anything to make black people look bad i can say that about the man. She has played major roles in theStar Trekmovies,Avatar,Pirates of the Caribbean,Guardians of the Galaxy, and other blockbuster Marvel films. Love, Love , Love Bill Cosby but me thinks Don Cheadle would be good for it. and he would be very critical against these people on the list. "We" as people of color are not the sole reason that "we" will "never" get ahead. The list may indeed be ill-conceived and I echo you in regard to personal responsibility. Polight by Richwallet: 2:26pm On Aug 20, 2021. I know a few like that especially within my own family smh. Neither is Bill Cosby or Don Lemon. Cos has paid his dues with his pocketbook and his "whiskers" of experiences in black movies and TV shows. So dumb so stupid so tired when will we stop this divisive crap! 5. From actresses to artists, models, athletes and businesswomen, these famous black celebrities have inspired millions and paved the way for others to follow in their footsteps. In a 1990 interview with the Los Angeles Times, then incoming Boul president Dr. Benjamin Major told reporter Karen Grigsby Bates that initially the organization was committed to maintaining its exclusivity. The only reason someone put him on is because of the state of modern black people today & the ignorance that thet project. Bill Cosby is the worst one! Halle Berry is the only Black actress to have won an Academy Award for Best Actress, for her performance in the 2001 filmMonsters Ball. most people need to be on the list but the article is racist and written by an uncle tom who doesn't really know about malcolm. These gorgeous leading ladies have had to be smart, ambitious and hard-working all the while persevering and overcoming obstacles in Hollywood to become successful. A perfect Uncle Tom is perfectly defined by The Honorable Elijah Muhaammad. She has been nominated for SAG Awards, Emmy Awards, and Golden Globes. After all, having to survive the adversity that we've been forced to deal with has made us MORE, not less. We publish narratives intentionally and specifically to enlighten and transform the world. I would be more satisfied with a list of people with "long-term or multiple instances of ignorance or tomming." 2. Santa Monica = 187 *Homicide Code. AS BLACK AMERICANS SHINE AND GET LIFTED IN THERE MONEY SCAMS AS YOUNG POOR BLACKS SUPPORT THEM IN THE MUSIC / SPORTS AND TV INDUSTRIES WE SEE KNOW HELP FROM THEM ONCE THEY HIT THAT 1.000.000 THEY BEGIN TO SPEND JOYOUSLY SHOWING THE YOUTH ALL THEY HAVE AND HOW THEY LIVE WITH THE YOUTH NOT KNOWING HE IS STILL RELIEIING ON THEM TO SUPPORT HIS SPENDING HABITS I HAVE WORK WITH THE YOUTH FOR A LONG TIME I SEE AND HERE THE WAY THEY BRAG ON THEM YET THEY DOn't UNDERSTAND AND THIS IS IN ALL PHASES BET HAS 2 UP COMING RAPPERS THEY BATTLE AND SAY WHAT THEY WILL DO TO HARM EACH OTHER NOT HOW THEY CAN HELP[ EACH OTHER THIS CREATES AN INSTANT ENEMY YOU HAVE RAPPERS MAKING STORIES AND LOT OF THEM LIVE THAT LIVE BUT THE YOUTH ARE NOT AWARE OF THE ONE WHO NEVER LIVED THAT LIVE BUT LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO DO THE JAIL JOB FOR HIM SO UNCLE TOM COMES IN ALL FASHIONS WE ARE COMING IN TO A TIME WERE WE ARE GOING TO NEED EACH OTHERS HELP AS WE WATCH THE NEWS AND SEE THE 60S COME BEFORE OUR EYES WHEN YOU LET LITTLE THINGS GET THROUGH AS WE DO WITH THESE KILLINGS WITH JOBS NOT BEING ABLE TO BE ENOUGH FOR WHITE AND BLACK COLLEGE GRADS WITH THE GOVERNMENT SLIPPING IN THIS ALL WHITE SENATE AS WE LOSE GAIN WHAT EVER WAS GAIN IN THE LAST 50 YEARS IT ALL COMES DOWN TO WHAT WE DO WITH SELF NO INPUT ON THE SOLUTION PART OF THE PROBLEM ANYONE THAT PUTS DIVISION OR BRINGS THE NEGATIVE THEY ARE UNCLE TOMS TO ME BRO ROC FROM HOMEWOOD. I just commented on thins link from a FB group post, so I copy and pasted my comments here then I read yours. I agree with Russell Simons who tried to float a play disgracing Harriet Tubman and constantly produces rappers who embarrass the black community with their "gangsta", "thug" behavior doesn't get a vote. This version of the hn/fn story stayed with me so strongly that I carried it years later into corporate employment, vowing to reach back and get more black people hired, or go back and teach what I learned. Malcolm X The House Negro and the Field Negro. And then was later beat TO DEATH because he refused to disclose the location of two slave women. 4. Jada Pinkett Smith has starred in many successful movie series and television shows, includingThe Matrix,Scream, andMagic Mike. Celebrities MUST be over 18 in pics/video. When will we all learn to treat each other as fellow human beings. when used in this way, "uncle tom" is more of a symbol then a direct reference to a book character. What Make you say that Bill Cosby is the worst one? Malcolm X made a perfectly legitimate analogy in this speech. A Different World increased the number of kids going to collage but specifically historically black collages. There are actually so many that it is hard to keep up so we at have done you a favor and compiled this list of celebrities that you might not know were Greek. We are considered thugs a street villans looking for some one to kill. They are born out from the so-called Greek fraternities and sororities of HBCU's across the US. SMH. The Black Boule, Rich Elite Homosexual Secret Society paid to destroy Marcus Garvey. I disagree totally with the Bill Cosby one especially since Clarence Thomas was on the list AND YOU SAID BILL COSBY IS THE WORST ONE. Bill Cosby WTFH Why is he on this list, are you kidding me the person who wrote this article should be on this list!!! 7. fuck bill cosby. and this website is still talking about fukcing jesus! And they had a different relationship to the white owners. Oh I see this comment you made is in response to the website atlantablackstar was wondering about it. I agree. Kerry Washington, starring as Olivia Pope in the hit television program Scandal , is the first lead Black actress on a network television program in decades. In the wake of the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the CNN news anchor found it necessary to blame the dress style of young black males as well as other personal choices as a reason for the injustices they suffer in the United States. As African people we know the problems facing our community and the racist history that led to some of the problems. Ciara has sold over 23 million records around the world and enjoyed a successful acting and modeling career. Maybe Malcolm himself should be put on the list, if you check his views after returning to the U.S. or even Rev. I believe that's why, when he wrote his 74-page manifesto on hate, he cited black conservative commentator Candace Owens as one of his greatest influences. But what amuses me even more are the House/Field Negro bullshyt. Just let it go for the sake of the conversation. Mr. Cosby? I get so SICK of "house/field negro" and Uncle Tom this and that! Zoe Kravitz is the daughter of Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet, but she has created a successful career independently. Black Boule is a fraternity group aimed at bring together high achieving Black people and is not a secretive organization to control black people. Now, if laying down your very life for your brother and/or sister is being today's version of "Uncle Tom", what the heck do we have to do Or did people just concentrate on his desire to "forgive" those white folks that were so vicious to him (now, I might have problem with THAT). Yet, each individual is responsible for his/her own actions, REGARDLESS of your socio-economic conditions. At the forefront of fulfilling the agenda of the elite are black secret societies such as The Boule'. Leadership Highlight: Alabama State University's SGA President Dylan Stallworth. Click on the arrows below to check them out! Noemie Lenoir is a model from France who has worked with some of the top brands and photographers around the world. 1. Audrey, you will get in trouble for saying that because they are taking over and to be straight is wrong in this country now, SMDH!! Bill Cosby is RIGHT ON. Now come the men of Sigma Pi Phi, a once-secret black fraternity that celebrates the professional and material success of black men. Black folks feelings were just hurt when he called it like it was. His persistent theme is that the Jewish financial elite had put a phony black leadership class in a position of influence and wealth. Basketball's G.O.A.T. It is unfortunate that most will ( yes, as you counted on) will not bother to read the quote in context and will run with this nonsense. She ran and hosted her own television show for 25 years, is the first Black female billionaire in America, and is known for her work in philanthropy. I don't know what planet some black folks are living on MULTICULTURALISM, please SHOW us, direct us to all these multicultural businesses where blacks, koreans, arabs, and indians are going into business together. Why is it wrong when we are own individual? Tweet. Everybody is entitled to an opinion and sometimes the truth hurts. Not one issue of concern to African Americans was ever pondered in Cosby's fantasy world: Bill Cosby was and is a complete sell-out. It is unfortunate that we have so much self-hate and blindness as a people. OneI know that profile photo you have is not real..second I am sure you dont know who Uncle Tom was anyway..and three,most people I see have ignored you because its obvious you are not who you are pretending to be.I beleive you may even be white posing as someone mixed..anyway,I can also tell that you have very little education and are probably not even employed and over weight..Thats enogh for now,I have to get back to work retard.. My biggest issue with some of the people mentioned on the list is how easily they air our dirty laundry in public. These and a thousand other networks are the backbone of the black bourgeoisie. The Boule Brotherhood - Black Masonic. Today, 5000+ Archons, (male Boule members) and their wives, (Archousais), with 112 chapters, make up the wealthiest group of Black men and women on the planet. All of these social programs that minorities have were supported by or developed by Republicans. Kappas. However, Major said, they were shifting their focus to be more socially-engaged and making a commitment to uplift the less fortunate members of their community. what is the hue of one's skin have to do with any of it? If they want the black youth or ratchet, low chakra black segment, they'll get some corny ass rapper to endorse whatever nonsense they are pushing. Education versus conditioning are at play in forming or deforming the positive mentality of African people ss in this case. 3. Now Bill Cosby plays a character in movies and TV but he is so rich and was the first black man on TV that many other black performers came to him to save their careers, productions etc.. with his influence and if need be with his money. Of course a slave is a slave. So, when Black people believe that you should be able to stand on your own two feet and not let negative forces get you down; when they disagree with the status quo of the Democrat Slave Mentality; when they want to see us do better but on our own terms; you call them Uncle Toms? Many have risen above their conditions and didn't have to sell poison or dehumanize our women to do so. Taking away the articulate negro, now desiring to replace them with organized institutions to keep them away from self-improvement., However, on its website, the Boul said Minton founded the fraternity with the hope that a special fraternity could effectively serve as the means through which desirable professional and social support for black professionals would be provided and maintained.. Reagan-era wh*re, Bill Cosby, *should* be on the list. She appeared on the television programs Ugly Betty and Chicago Med, as well as representing Whitney Houston in Whitney in 2015. Damn, I thought Sheryl was Wesley Snipes from Too Wong Foo, until I saw her name. When you especially study the works of Steve Cokely, it becomes much easier to separate the Negro, 'Cooning to get . After all take a look at the black criminal dress code. I'm so sick of blacks. and gave a strong sense of worth on his shows. He told P. Morgan that everyone new that the young man was a thug.