How can they do that? It is like anyone else that works hard to build something. actually getting behind the wheel of a car again will probably be the hardest thing he does, if he ever even wants to drive again. It was especially appropriate to hear last night since our current sermon series is on the topic of Worship. I think that the only way to self regulate is to have benchmarks that people must reach to be in leadership positions. and humility i think is something that is a mark of a true christian that cant be faked, it always looks fake when people try to do that. We dont hear about them so much, unfortunately, because they are not so concerned with informing the world about their humility. I know people who were previously baptized that jumped in to get the swag. He has lots of pics holding impoverished babies while his own 5 kids barely saw him. How can a reasonable person look past that? Was that MDs evil twin Dark Miscoll who said elders who disagree with him need to be put in wood chippers or that women need to bring their men to Jesus by orally servicing them every morning whether they like it or not? I simply offer another perspective. I take it to mean: Don't feel so bad, there are whole lot of other people hell-bound, too. I think it underestimates those believers in the pews who are, themselves, filled with the Spirit and do exhibit the fruit of Galations 5. I would think that rehabilitation for him would be finding a job where he was not the boss and not the teacher. I dont feel I HAVE to agree with you. instead i find now that the Lord uses other christians to confirm things He has shown me, instead of the Lord teaching me things that others say i should believe and me just accepting them as the word of God because the guy has a position or written a book or is promoted by other pastors. And probably they wont. If after many years of that, he wrote a book about how God brought about change within, Id be interested in reading it. Im not saying that I don't believe anyone, I really just want to learn the other side of this argument. It probably did. This stuff was high on the why we are how we are list back in the day. Did Paul hire a company to buy his books and get them on the bestseller list? They sing and wave their arms and hug and praise other givers. He appealed that he had no say in the matter. actually Jesus spoke to people He had healed early in His ministry and told them not to tell everyone, they did anyway and He spent the rest of His ministry having crowds pressing against Him and having to go hide sometimes. Now the floodgates will open wide now that his massive deception becomes public knowledge in Australia and the UK. How they hold their hands, pat their hearts, stomp their feet, fall to their knees, wipe away fake tears, etc is all taught in classes. Driscoll has used this vague parallels to himself many times, framing the sermon in the context of his own life with the lives of other noble characters, most notably Jesus. Also, as Driscolls friend, John Piper, wrote: pastors are not professionals. Is to be- What is tragic is that these events will lead everyone who has two braincells to rub together to come to the following default conclusions: If there are reports of a scandal or problems at a church, they are true. pure grace are you or have been in similar situation to stephen? (KY3) - James River Church responded Monday to complaints after social media images show little social distancing and few masks at its Christmas celebrations. i have met people that have told me that they went to gateway (and other churches that are similar) but no longer do without ever saying why. @Albuquerque Blue James River Church, a multi-campus, 17,000-member megachurch in Missouri, is now fending off strong criticism from the public and health officials after pictures posted on social media showed what appear to be hundreds of unmasked people, practicing very little social distancing packed inside their Springfield location to participate in Christmas everything that happened at the cross was prophesied about long before Jesus was crucified, one propesy: Psalm 69:20-21 pastor says: Also, there is a difference, IMO, between forgiveness and trust restoration. Mind you I find Driscoll a tool in case I havent made that obvious. @ Bob M: Its much harder to leave that way. The text is not prescriptive. When not enough graduates came forward they started begging people please any graduate or relative of a graduate, even if you just graduated from Kindergarten, please please come get your free gift because what Kindergartner doesnt need advice on how to buy a car? peaceable disposition. This is either a complete falsehood or shows their utter lack of interest in the facts, because, as HUG so aptly quotes GK Chesterton, and let me paraphrase her, celebrity pastor unto celebrity pastor is brother. Edit: Thank you to everyone who commented. Even his outrageous speak was a game where he would then delete then repent then do againshampoo, rinse, repeat. (WARNING: Includes graphic language), American news sources didn't waste much time alerting their readers of this development. He genuinely seemed to care. In their case, they just use Jesus as marketing tool to sell their own image.It is not like they have not had access to truth. "Our desire for things God has forbidden is a reflection of how sin has distorted us, rather than a reflection of how Christ has made us.". one had an alcohol problem 3 years ago and one has a drug problem that recently occured due to overprescribing of pain medication turned to street drug use. Or that they were called to be what they are. Pastors who give Mark Driscoll a platform are adding to the abuse of those of us who were abusively treated by Mars Hill Church. ++++++++++++++++., What I dont get is why Hillsong and Assemblies of God (James River Church), who have extremely different views on women in the church would even consider someone like Mark Driscoll as a special speaker. Good point as far as it goes. The first time, it was shocking. All the more reason that Driscoll appears arrogant and pompous to me and doesnt at all seem to understand the damage hes caused. Mega churches are asking people to step back from the reality of how they effect people and just go along with a bunch of rules and covenants and christianeese and let them stay in their positions cause their friends say they are changed. It shows also in our perception of ourselves and others when we still have areas of sin. With BHouston, JLindell and MD there is no hope. kudos to the hosts of the aussie tv show that made brian huston look at the absolute facts and rediculousness of his supporting (and paying for) an american mega pastor who is well known in christian circuits I use the term rediculous because I dont want to be mean or judgmental, but I believe that brian was all for helping mark get back in the saddle until it cost him some publicity. I never saw it tried in a church setting, but something like that was tried where I worked. i think He has some Jesus in him, it just gets mixed up with other stuff. I arrived a little late here, and this has likely already been mentioned (I havent read all comments). In December 2007, Merle and I quietly left Mars Hill Church. After describing the crucifixion of Jesus, Mark Driscoll asks: Who has attacked you? notable pastors have been pouring into his life. He lives in the Show Me State, so go ahead and show me. I was shocked and deeply saddened to see photos from the James River event over the weekend. I do feel bad for the guy in many ways. It was because of a backfire in strategy by then executive pastors Jamie Munson and Scott Thomas, who handled my discipline case. They did not want us to leave. In his case, [Pauls] trust had to be earned, for obvious reasons. John Lindell, pastor of James River Church, represents a new breed of reformed Assembly of God pastors yes Calvinism in the Assembly of God! Sincerely want to know what the alternative is. There is no glorifying God in any of that. But in America, (to quote HUG) its all about the Benjamins, baby. So, I read what he wrote, I listened to his speeches, sermons, etc. paul was the most influential person in christianity after Jesus. As some are aware, the result of me pleading for a fair trial and arguing for due deliberation when changing bylaws was that Mark Driscoll, in an abusive and vile manner, threatened to destroy me and my ministry. But MD has been a jerk as far as Ive read, not a criminal or anything. In 2002, Agathos began as a ministry to rescue orphans in Africa during the peak of the out-of-control HIV/AIDS crisis. I would hope we should higher standards than that. If the denominational system is rejected on doctrinal grounds, that only leaves the congregation. Our heart at James River Church has always been to minister to people in our community. Is there a third way that I have overlooked? When you go to these posh country clubesque entertainment centers their #1 priority is to get visitors connected and plugged in. *MD and Mark Demoss calculated an irresistible snow job, tailored just for pentecostalworld (who are generally open to things without empirical proof). Did this evil plot involve the use of ninjas or leprechauns? I am someone special, like Jesus and Paul. News articles and such are also greatly appreciated. where is God in all this? As for my outsider perspective he seems like someone youd want as a pastor if you wanted to get big and have lots of revenue streams. How can they do that? It is deceiving men so they will be more inclined to pay those 500+ employees their hundred thousand dollar pay packages. They dont (want to) get it. In case this was not a rhetorical question, the correct answer is entertainment. I really do believe that Driscoll has sociopathic tendencies. Did Paul hire a company to buy his books and get them on the bestseller list? stephen is going to be filled with the Holy Spirit. (mark doesnt say that stephen was already filled with the Holy Spirit, the bible doesnt mention stephen being filled at that time at all) pure in heart shall see God. They secretly instigated men who said here come the false charges. Actually, I think the timing was just for that reason. Its America and hes free to do that if he wishes, but its not proper, again, IMO. He doesnt come near to meeting basic societal criteria for a decent person. forgiveness means its paid in full. @ Nancy: And i honestly had no idea that that phrase was in there. I would not say Driscoll was a jerk. Vulgarity and filth get fed to us little by little until we hardly notice weve ignored those first red flags and become part and parcel of the heresy. Why would anyone seek to admire and celebrate a man who plotted to kill millions of innocent American civilians? If one other person had confirmed my concerns then I would not have pushed my data points aside as just being something only I had an issue with. I have to disagree Gus considering you mentioned brain cells. One co worker attends and stated that they requested to see W2s and that he tithe accordingly when he was inquiring to become a member. @ Lydia: Most people have more sunk into that cult than they do their homes. Adultery, stealing, cheating, being abusive, being a drunkard can also keep you out of heaven.". Personally I am not really all that interested in what the celebrites do as in endorsing, spinning events or behavior, etc. sometimes i have hurt people because i have gotten caught up in the excitement of a new orginazation or enterprise but i have never been able to stay that way long, my conscience pricks me until i stop and go back and make things right with people i have hurt. He is young and using Jesus is all he knows. notable pastors have been pouring into his life. I followed up on the link and have been sharing this song with families and friends! I felt like an idiot after I said that. when mercy ministries was investigated at hillsong amazingly the leader Nancy Acorn opened up shop in the u.s. and has many supporters among the christian circuit District. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.. He can be reached at 836-1253,, on Twitter @stevepokinNL or by mail at 651 N. Boonville, Springfield, MO 65806. I had never heard someone talk like that. I have heard Driscoll in person.. News flash: Jesus is the hero of scripture. He was a mass murdering thug. sponge is used as toilet paper. I find it telling that it contains 41 mentions of "sin," "sinners" and "sinfulness.". Likewise, you cannot be or stay a pastor if you find out that you cant respect people. Obviously, I disagree with Lindell on the upcoming vote. But, as you said, there is no substitute for a work of the Holy Spirit. In the case of Chandler, the fudgy language in the apologies does not instill much confidence that the root has been exposed so that it can be dug out. No one has to agree with me. @ Bridget: It came swiftly and with great effect. They really believe that God has anointed the leaders to lead them. they had a scandal about their homes for helping young women also, financial corruption-ish and not letting the women get outside counseling. stephen is suffering for doing right. "We cannot endorse a candidate and we cannot endorse a party," he said. From my perspective, the problem with Driscolls repentance is the same as the problem with the Chandler apology. Dont you want to be a part of that? You need to check yourself Lindell then apologize and repent. your comments are great. so many for so long have used caring for others while taking funding from orphans, politicians treating everyone equally and standing by the christian forefathers etc that it actually means nothing anymore. So work harder for the state and your comrades who do not meet their quotas. It is affiliated with Assemblies of God USA. Some of the current worship songs that I hear dont do too much for me. Driscoll should not be granted any level of power till he has demonstrated that he has obtained the humility necessary to handle it. 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight. First, he begins by praying that he wants to make this time just about God and His people; yet he appears to take the stories of Stephen and Paul and apply them to his own circumstance at least that's how it sounded to me. Driscoll has used this vague parallels to himself many times, framing the sermon in the context of his own life with the lives of other noble characters, most notably Jesus. Its more the non-complementarian position to argue that women should be allowed to preach/lead based on gifting and that sounds like the argument Driscoll is raising in the quotes by him I placed in this post. It is identical to another certain entertainment industry where faking it means everything and in my opinion the industry representing the older profession is less offensive. Robert Morris loves putting his flock under the law regarding Mosaic Law tithing and also under Deuteronomy so he can squeeze out extravagant gifts. His career has been a total focus on getting his narcissistic supply. What am I saying? Lydia on Sat Jun 13, 2015 at 12:48 To learn more, visit ja. and that it is ok to debate that point in public. One of the most chilling doctrines out of Calvinism is using Paul for this purpose. I used to buy into this,thinking it is such wisdom to see ourselves in the examples of scripture, until I realized that we never seem to see ourselves as the villain. Having a large following for a while, being insulated from most of reality, produces this result. Ironically, in giving this speech, Lindell was doing just that shooting the wounded. It is all he knows, and Im sure he has bills to pay, and is used to a certain standard of living. "A missionary is a qualified Christian sent out under the authority of a local church to an area of recognized need in order to pursue the work of the Great Commission." Hillsong church head Brian Houston accused alleged child abuse victim of tempting father, inquiry told, We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of people through relevant teaching, heartfelt worship, and amazing kids & youth programs. But they dont work unless everybody actually sticks to them faithfully without exception, Collinssaid. If it is all about numbers and money it would be a wild ride for about five or ten years till it crashes. And of course JLindell can know that MD has NOT repented and sought reconciliation with those he threatened with breaking their nose, and then expelled and shunned. Then he stated emphatically: Now let me just say this to you today cause I have no apology for Mark being there; Im glad Marks here. If I were Satan I would give the Wormwood who came up with that system a big raise (or give away their books so theyd get a fat royalty check ; ). And there were no acrobats, flying drummers, or the need to check out the latest cosmetic procedure on the head worship pastor there. Im not as strong or wise as Lydia, but I hope to provide valuable insights based on my experience so that those with eyes to see and ears to hear get out and get out quickly. Hi Nancy, I am a graduate from Sydney and I just want to say thank you so very much for making Mercy a possibility for girls like myself to be able to go to here in Australia, it has truly saved my life and given me a future. I hope I am wrong. there is a scripture somewhere that says i wont speak against Gods annointed, which was david re saul i believe, and people have used this (or churches have used this to keep people quiet) as a reason to never say anything about church abuse. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. These churches are both responsible for vetting their speakers, and they utterly failed on this one. i have very little church experience so i dont think i am qualified to even speak to these things though. Forgive him? GW is also currently preaching John Hagees End Times Armageddon sermons to pump up the numbers, claiming the Rapture WILL take place prior to 12-31-18, in order to scare folks into those spontaneous tubs. I read somewhere that the church that bought, I think, the main campus property has a female pastor. If his values were disdained he would have a far better chance of turning away from the corruption that has engulfed his life so far. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. How to Resign from a Church There could be some better teaching on this but too many appear to receive their teaching from celebrity pastors who then take advantage of them. If he is serious about ministry then he needs to stay away from those circumstances which enable him to get into trouble-money, power and the pulpit. Of course, we have yet to determine whether there has been a real change in Mark Driscoll's life. . its a little hard to swallow that he knew nothing about Driscolls behaviour. Here is the gist of Driscolls message: its all about me and Im a martyr for the faith!, Same old Driscoll, full of male bovine meadow muffins. Remember how everyone always tells Muslims to denounce terrorism and extremism? I believe that.' "It is possible for someone who has practiced a life of adultery to stop," he said in the sermon. You would have thought Piper would have caught on at some point. LT: Certainly they all hire each other as guest speakers in order to pay large honorariums from tithe dollars that end up in each others personal bank accounts. . Its just that it isnt what a NT pastor of a group of Christians should be doing. It is definitely not where all leadership and vision is deferred to one man, and it is definitely not authoritarian. James River Church Engaged Employer Overview 38 Reviews 63 Jobs 26 Salaries -- Interviews 9 Benefits 47 Photos 12 Diversity Follow + Add a Review Employee Review See All Reviews ( 38) 2.0 Former Employee, more than 3 years Leadership not always what they portray Mar 2, 2017 - Anonymous Employee in Ozark, MO Recommend CEO Approval Mark also provided the all important yet elusive authentic community Six months for Driscoll does not represent later in life, give him another ten or twenty years. I guess Calvinism for these guys means never having to take personal responsibility Thats certainly how Driscoll has handled things. Mark Driscoll was totally missing those things. Certainly, Fulgencio Batista (dictator of Cuba at the time of the communist takeover) was a very corrupt man, whose government did terrible things, as with Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, Papa Doc Duvalier in Haiti, and many others. Missouri church service Saturday evening. At some point, with enough outcry and rage from outside, they may hopefully see it as you did looking up at that 3 x 5 card on your bulletin. The best thing about it is one young woman had incredible courage.
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